
In terra come in cielo

i nuraghi e le Pleiadi

By Augusto Mulas, Marco Sanna

Presentation by Francesco Cheratzu

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Heaven on Earth: ancient monuments positioned to represent the Pleiades?

In terra come in cielo
History (including archaeology and pre-history), biographies, heraldry
Pósidos n° 26
Publishing year
Publishing place
Paperback with flaps and stitched binding
15 x 21 cm
185 g
N° of volumes
Publication language
Original language
Parallel text
School book
On sale

9,00 €

Probability calculus demonstrate with an almost absolute certainty that a set of nuraghes to be found near Torralba (northern part of the Island of Sardinia) were intentionally constructed to represent the Pleiades star cluster.
The Pleiades star cluster has been observed since ancient times. In Babylonia for example, the beginning of the New Year was set in correspondence with the heliacal rising of the Pleiades. Hesiod, the first historical figure of Greek literature, in his poem Works and Days, describes the importance that this star cluster had in regulating the farming and sailing calendars. Anthropological research of the famous scholar James Frazer demonstrates how much the worship of this asterism was practised by the people of all latitudes.
The scope of the book is to better illustrate the assumption first stated by Augusto Mulas in his work L´isola sacra: ipotesi sull´uso cultuale dei nuraghi (The Holy Island: were the Nuraghes used for religious purposes?), in which he presumes that a set of nuraghes situated in the territory of Torralba (SS) were positioned by their ancient constructors to represent the Pleiades.
Since such a representation could have been the result of a casual displacement of these megalithic monuments, the hypothesis needed to undergo a thorough analysis to verify the possibility of a random disposition of the nuraghes in question.
The probabilistic calculus reported in this publication demonstrates, with a very high degree of certainty, that almost four thousand years ago a group of eight nuraghes and a hypogeal sepulchre (domus de jana) recently discovered were intentionally positioned to reproduced the Pleiades.
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Augusto Mulas

Augusto Mulas (1972-)

Originario di Ozieri (SS), vive a Sassari dove ha conseguito la laurea in Lettere classiche a indirizzo preistorico e protostorico, con una tesi sui rapporti tra la Sardegna nuragica e il Mediterraneo in età protostorica, partecipando contestualmente a numerose campagne di scavo in Sardegna e all´estero, tra cui quella tenutasi presso il villaggio nuragico di Sant´Imbenia ad Alghero (SS) e nel villaggio-santuario in località Abini, nel comune di Teti (NU). Ha pubblicato il volume L´isola sacra: ipotesi sull´utilizzo cultuale dei nuraghi (Condaghes, 2012).


L´isola sacra: ipotesi sull´utilizzo cultuale dei nuraghi, Condaghes, Cagliari 2012.

Marco Sanna

Marco Sanna (1958-)

Originario di Monserrato (CA), vive a Ussana dal 1996. Ingegnere e docente di Discipline Meccaniche, ha eseguito l´analisi probabilistica degli orientamenti astronomici dei nuraghi di Brabaciera a Isili (CA), pubblicata anche nel libro di Mauro Peppino Zedda Archeologia del paesaggio nuragico. Ha pubblicato, inoltre, Il nuraghe bioclimatico (con, "Unu muntoni ´e perdas ghetadas a pari" (in sardo e italiano assieme ai colleghi e agli alunni dell´I.T.C.G. "Einaudi" di Senorbi).

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